New site


This is the new web site of GMapFP Pro.

Some page in english are yet under construction.

  1. Open Google in your favorite browser.
  2. Click "Login" at the top right.
  3. Enter your Google ID and password.
  4. Click on the Maps link in the "Google apps" menu, and "Your places" in the left menu.
  5. Click on "Maps" pane.
  6. Click "Create map".
  7. Enter the name and description.
  8. Click on the outline icon "Draw a line" and "Add line or shape".

  9. All modifications are automatically save.
  10. Then, to get the KML file, click on the link "Export to KML/KMZ".

  11. Copy the resulting file on your server (not local).
  12. Preferably use absolute addressing for its statement in GMapFP.
Your displays are Responsive: Compatible tablets, smartphones, ...
Customizable Fields
Create as many fields as necessary.
Picture gallery
Add a photo gallery to your item.
Your items can be associated with several categories.
Share your data with an RSS or ATOM feed.
With this function, group your markers to make it easier to read your map.
Many choice of display
Select your view from a wide range of possibilities.
Index all your records in Google using the XMap plugin.